Well today was a big day, Leith started nursery school. I had braced myself for tears and howling but he happily gave me a kiss goodbye and carried on playing with the trains.
I collectd him just after lunch time and asked him if he had a good day and he said "YES" and I asked him if he wanted to go back and he said "YES" again!
B: aaawww...so Cute!!!!!
I felt a pang of emotion just reading about your little one going to nursery for the first time, can you imagine how bad I was when my two big ones started?!?!
I was a right wimp, a gibbering wreck...So am putting off even putting Ben's name down for preschool at the moment.
Well done for getting through it, it's a true milestone.
Not long before you jet off again now is it?!
hey B...
Have you ever been tagged before??
Have a look over at my 'place', I'm afraid you're 'it'!!
(NB: whenever you are back from SA that is...)
Lots of Love xx
What a milestone!! I just can't imagine Nellie being that old.... nor can I imagine leaving her, but then again, as she's been going to a childminder already, maybe I'm not giving either of us the credit we're due.
Some days it's easy to leave her, others it's a wrench. Still, she always seems happy to go, and I suppose that's a mother's lot in life - you haven't done your job right unless you help them become independent and leave you!! Boo hoo!!
Hi B
What a lovely photo of Monkey.
We ARE missing you and lovely monkey.
we had a great weekend at the RR christian convention.
we saw 4 wombats while we were there.
While swimming in a rockpool, I also got to within two meters of an eastern brown - not so keen to get closer after my spider experience.
We miss you and we miss being ble to chat. My mom was asking after you. she wishes you a lovley trip.
Tim got Carcosonne for his birthday- thanks for the idea! he also has the river expansion. HE is thrilled.
Big hugs. Love to your parents and HAven etc.
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