Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dr Steve Andrews

This weekend the world lost one of its unsung hero's and a brilliant man, Dr Steve Andrews MBChb(UCT) MCFP(SA) MPhil (Bioethics).

Steve was vocal in the discussion about HIV / Aids, in fact he was passionate about it.
He was once described by Sue Valentine as "the kind of doctor any sick person would like to have: his patients' well-being is paramount, he's committed to the principles of family medicine and he's prepared to take on the world for a cause he believes in."

He was a leading Southern African HIV clinician with extensive experience in the research, design and implementation of the linical, industrial and policy aspects of HIV management. He was an elected member of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Executive committee and a senior medical advisor to various AIDS interventions, including the AID for AIDS Program, The Open Society Foundation, the Road Freight Association Roadside Clinic Programme, Médecins sans Frontières Khayelitsha Antiretroviral Programme and many others.

More than all of this he was a wonderful husband, father and loyal friend. His absence leaves a gaping hole in our lives but
We are blessed to have known him and counted him amongst our closest friends.

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